• Digital Service Alignment With The Align Platform

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    Although a service alignment process can be implemented manually, it can take so long that the results are obsolete or the process is never finished. By implementing a digital service alignment process you can:


    1. React to changes in service alignment quickly and minimise the cost of mismatches.


    2. Implement a robust process across the Trust with standard reports on capacity match, productivity match and overall alignment for each department.


    3. Build capability within the organisation to monitor and respond to service alignment issues.


    4. No longer rely on expensive consultancies providing limited value snap-shot analyses.


    5. Integrate you e-job planning into a digital service alignment process and boost the value that your e-job planning delivers.

  • Align Platform

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    Align Platform

    The Align Platform brings together three key modules: Service Capacity, Service Productivity and Service Alignment in one easy to use platform specifically designed for NHS service leads to manage their departments service delivery. Both the Service Capacity and Service Productivity module can be used independently but the results from both are brought together in the Service Alignment module.



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    Service Capacity module

    The Service Capacity module organises job planning information into a current service plan and helps the user build a rightsized plan based on patient demand to calculate the existing capacity match. It helps a user reorganise capacity to improve the capacity match and shows the cost savings to be gained by recruiting additional capacity rather than using short-term additional activity to plug gaps.

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    Service Productivity module

    The Service Productivity module brings together job plan, leave and activity information to calculate the match between expected hours of activity and delivered hours of activity. The module highlights those areas (individuals or specific activities) where lost hours are greatest. This information helps the department focus on operational changes to improve this productivity match and decrease the use of WLIs and outsourcing.

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    Service Alignment module

    The Service Align module brings together the matches from both modules to calculate the service alignment match. Any discrepancy between required hours and delivered hours are reconciled against service outcomes e.g. additional spend and movement in waiting lists.

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